Making the Music Our Own: Eugene Marlow’s Heritage Ensemble Interprets Melodies from the Hebraic Songbook (2006)

Making the Music Our Own: Eugene Marlow’s Heritage Ensemble Interprets Melodies from the Hebraic Songbook (2006)
Очень такой интересный и приятный альбом джазовых версий известных еврейских мелодий от Eugene Marlow — Making the Music Our Own: Eugene Marlow’s Heritage Ensemble Interprets Melodies from the Hebraic Songbook (2006).
1 V’Taher Lebeinu/Yis M’Chu (Purify our hearts. . .) 7:42
2 L’Cha Dodi (Beloved, come to meet Shabbat) 4:19
3 Halleluyah (Praise the Lord) 4:19
4 Bilbililos (Rock from whose store we have eaten. . .) 6:32
5 Hatikva (The Hope) 6:39
6 Heiveinu Shalom Aleichem (Peace Unto You) 2:53
7 Avinu Malkeinu (Hear Our Voice) 4:41
8 Ata Hu Hashem (You Are the Lord, Our God) 4:25
9 Hinei Ma Tov (Behold how good and pleasant it is. . .)