Music Monkey Jungle — Kinderlach Rock Chag Purim (2019)

Music Monkey Jungle - Kinderlach Rock Chag Purim (2019)

Music Monkey Jungle — Kinderlach Rock Chag Purim (2019)

Друзья, с наступающим вас праздником Пурим, хаг Пурим самеах! И ловите еще один альбомчик детских песенок к Пуриму — Music Monkey Jungle — Kinderlach Rock Chag Purim (2019).


1 The Kinderlach Rock Theme Song 1:24
2 Jewish Music Monkey 1:39
3 Chag Purim Sameach 1:05
4 Chag Purim 2:49
5 Purim Parade 2:01
6 Horrible Haman 1:01
7 The Purimspiel Intro. Song 2:05
8 King Achashverosh Stars, Ch. 1 4:43
9 The Beauty Round-up, Ch. 2 5:22
10 The Sinister Minister, Ch. 3 4:11
11 The Mordecai Blues 5:09
12 The Waltz of Queen Esther 4:38
13 Doin’ My Thing at the Purimspiel 4:06
14 Chapter 7’s Song 3:15
15 The Lifted Weight, Ch. 8 1:44
16 Feelin’ Fine, Ch. 9 2:27
17 The Purimspiel Closing Song 1:48
18 Give Give Give 1:11
19 Hamantaschen Slide 2:30
20 Spin Go the Groggers 1:26

Music Monkey Jungle — Kinderlach Rock Chag Purim (2019)

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