The Barry Sisters — Their Greatest Yiddish Hits

Год: 1997
Жанр: еврейская народная музыка, идиш, фольклор, эстрада
Формат: MP3, 320 kbps
Время: 0:51
Размер архива: 115.9 MB
1. Hava Nagila
2. Bublitchki Bagelach
3. Vyoch Tyoch Tyoch
4. Yingele Nit Vain (Little Boy, Don’t Cry)
5. Zug Es Meir Noch Amool (Tell Me One More Time)
6. Yuh Mein Tiere Tochter (Yes, My Darling Daughter)
7. Tumbalalaika
8. Ich Hob Dich Zefeel Lieb (I Love You Much Too Much)
9. Eishes — Chiyell (A Woman of Value)
10. Vie A Heen Zol Ich Gayn (Where Shall I Go)
11. Dem Neyem Sher (The New Sher)
12. Fargess Mich Nit (Forget Me Not)
13. Ketzele Baroiges (Why Are You Angry)
14. Ain Kik Auf Dir (One Look At You)
15. Chiribim Chiribom
16. Tsi Shpait (Too Late)