The Historic Collection of Jewish Music 1912-1947. Volume 2 (2004)

The Historic Collection of Jewish Music 1912-1947. Volume 2. Materials from the Zinoviy Kiselgof Collection. Religious Songs (2004)
Год: 1910-1920 / 2004
Страна: Украина
Жанр: клезмер, еврейская фольклорная, религиозная музыка
Время альбома: 34 минуты
Описание: Сегодня — продолжение серии раритетных фонографических записей еврейской музыки 1912-1947 гг. И перед вами — второй альбом из цикла The Historic Collection of Jewish Music 1912-1947. Materials from the Zinoviy Kiselgof Collection. Religious Songs (2004). Всего в серии их имеется шесть, у нас в наличии — все они, кроме третьего.
Данные материалы предоставлены одним из постоянных читателей и авторов сайта (выражающим за эти диски особенную благодарность профессору Вячеславу Дмитриевичу Попову). Конечно же, огромная благодарность — Институту проблем регистрации информации при НАУ Украины, чей кропотливый труд сделал возможным существование данных материалов.
Уже опубликованные на сайте записи:
- Treasure of Jewish Culture in Ukraine (1997)
- The Historic Collection of Jewish Music 1912-1947. Volume 1 (2001)
Во втором диске серии — записи из коллекции Зиновия (Зусмана) Кисельгофа, чьё имя незаслуженно забыто в среде современных еврейских музыкантов, хотя он по праву должен считаться одной из ключевых фигур в возрождении еврейской музыки в России, в начале двадцатого века.
Коллекция еврейских фольклорных материалов, которые он собрал за несколько десятилетий (всего — более двух тысяч музыкальных записей), крайне значительна, как по ценности, так и примечательно по качеству. Его труд имел серьезное влияние на формирование национальной еврейской музыкальной школы в Российской Империи, процветание которой объясняют идеями «самосознания», столь популярными в среде еврейской интеллигенции того периода. Композиторы и исполнители считали коллекцию Зиновия Кисельгофа основным источником лучшего понимания еврейской музыкальной культуры.
Больше информации, на английском языке — в буклете, прилагаемом в архиве со звуковыми записями. Как бонус — имеющиеся на исходном диске 58 сканов нотных листов из коллекции Кисельгофа. Парочка из них загружена ниже, для просмотра.
Ниже — ссылка на материал на сайте Национальной Академии Наук Украины, с возможность прослушать 15 секунд каждого из треков. А также, в связи с отсутствием данных материалов для приобретения их в сети — ссылка на скачивание архива.
При этом, мы предупреждаем сразу, что если будет получено сообщение от правообладателей, с требованием изъять возможность скачивания материала — ссылка будет снята незамедлительно. В случае, если Вы — представитель правообладателя и не желаете, чтобы этот материал был в свободном доступе на ресурсе, свяжитесь с администрацией сайта, и мы снимем возможность скачивания данного материала.
Только имейте в виду, что редкость и раритетность материала — просто зашкаливает. Если вы зайдете в самый крутой магазин виниловых пластинок, то там не сможете найти данные фонографические записи, поскольку они существуют только в виде цилиндров Эдисона и в оцифрованном варианте. Так что, цените!
1.Lekho doydi 1:40
The main hymn of the Friday night service to welcome the Sabbath composed by the cabbalist Rabbi Shlomo HaLevi Alkabetz from Safed (16th century). Performed by cantor Shimen German. Mogilev, Byelorussia, December 14, 1923. Cylinder
2. Borukh Elokeynu 0:55
Blessed is He (our God). Blessing. Performed by Roza-Leya Kiselgof. Leningrad, [1920’s].
3. Religious song of Palestine Jews 1:19
(unidentified) with a short introduction in Russian. Performed by composer Mikhail Fabianovich Gnesin. Leningrad, March 15, 1927..
4. Musical reading of the biblical text 0:34
(in accordance with the rules of musical accentuation) with a short introduction in Russian. Performed by composer Mikhail Fabianovich Gnesin. Leningrad, March 15, 1927.
5. Shabesdiker kidesh 1:38
A prayer recited over wine, which proclaims the holiness of the Sabbath. Performed by anonymous. Leningrad, [1920’s]. Cylinder # 1125.
6. Veahavaskha (Mayriv lerosheshone) 0:28
And Your Love (from the Rosh Hashanah Maariv service). Performed by Moyshe Lipkin, 32 (born in Khislavichi, Byelorussia). The place of recording is unknown, [1910-1920’s]. Cylinder # 1126/1.
7. Shakhres lerosheshone 1:08
A portion from Rosha Hashanah morning service. Performed by Moyshe Lipkin, 32. The place of recording is unknown, [1910-1920’s]. Cylinder # 1126/2.
8. Shma Yisroel 0:20
Hear, O Israel. The principal Jewish prayer and symbol of Jewish monotheism. Performed by Moyshe Lipkin, 32. The place of recording is unknown, [1910-1920’s]. Cylinder # 1126/3.
9. Ale shalosh aveyres 1:53
For three transgressions. Religious song based on the motives from the book of the Prophet Amos. Performed by Moyshe Lipkin, 32. The place of recording is unknown, [1910-1920’s]. Cylinder #1129.
10. Kvoyde mole oylom 0:54
His glory fills the universe. A portion from Musaf Service for Rosh Hashanah. Performed by cantor Shimen German. Mogilev, Byelorussia, December 14, 1923. Cylinder # 1137/1.
11. Al kheyt 0:34
For the sins. Liturgical prayer (piyyut) for the Yom Kippur evening service. Performed by cantor Shimen German. Mogilev, Byelorussia, December 14, 1923. Cylinder # 1137/2.
12. Eyli Tsiyon 0:18
Wail, Zion. Acrostic elegy for the fast day of the Ninth of Av. Performed by cantor Shimen German. Mogilev, Byelorussia, December 14, 1923. Cylinder # 1137/3.
13. Slakh lonu 1:42
Forgive us. Fragment from Selikhot, non-statutory additional prayers which are recited during the penitential season, which begins before Rosh Hashanah and concludes with the Day of Atonement. Performed by cantor Shimen German. Mogilev, Byelorussia, December 14, 1923. Cylinder # 1140.
14. Yaale 1:16
May [our remembrance] arise. Piyyut recited during the evening service, Yom Kippur Eve. Performed by cantor Shimen German. Mogilev, Byelorussia, December 14, 1923. Cylinder # 1146/1.
15. Ashrey 0:17
Happy are they. Psalm # 135, which is included in the everyday and festival synagogue service. Performed by cantor Shimen German. Mogilev, Byelorussia, December 14, 1923. Cylinder # 1146/2.
16. Hashkiveynu 1:34
Lay us down to sleep in peace. A prayer of the evening service. Performed by Mordkhe Raykhin, 22, an oven-loader. The place and date of the recording are unknown [1910-1920’s]. Cylinder # 1147.
17. Hashkiveynu (the end of no. 16) 0:43
Lay us down to sleep in peace. A prayer of the evening service. Performed by Mordkhe Raykhin, 22, an oven-loader. The place and date of the recording are unknown [1910-1920’s]. Cylinder # 1157/1.
18. Mishebeyrakh 0:43
Who blessed the ones before us. A prayer of the Sabbath morning service, which also serves as a traditional healing prayer. Performed by Mordkhe Raykhin, 22, an oven-loader. The place and date of the recording are unknown [1910-1920’s]. Cylinder # 1157/2.
19. Lefikhakh anakhnu khayovim 1:23
A portion from the Passover Haggadah, which is also included in the morning blessing for the Sabbath and festivals. Performed by anonymous performer (male voice). The place and date of the recording are unknown [19101920’s]. Cylinder # 1151.
20. Afafuni khevley moves 1:07
For the waves of Death encompassed me. A portion from the Psalm 116: 3, which is also included in Passover Haggadah. Performed by Roza-Leya Kiselgof. Leningrad, [1920’s]. Cylinder # 1155/1.
21. Aneynu 0:37
Answer us [O, Lord]. A portion from Selikhot, non-statutory additional prayers that are recited during the penitential season, which begins before Rosh Hashanah and concludes with the Day of Atonement. Performed by Roza-Leya Kiselgof. Leningrad, [1920’s]. Cylinder # 1155/2.
22. Havdole 1:34
(from Hebrew word ‘havdalah’ – ‘distinction’). Blessing recited at the termination of Sabbath and festivals. Performed by anonymous performer (male voice). The place and date of the recording are unknown [1910-1920’s]. Cylinder # 1158.
23. Azameyr bishvokhin 0:35
I will cut away [the forces of evil] with songs of praise. Hymn of the first Sabbath meal. A cabbalistic poem in Aramaic by Isaac Luria of Safed. Performed by Mendl Berlin, 56. The place and date of the recording are unknown [1910-1920’s]. The performer heard this melody from his grandfather, Reb Shneyer. Cylinder # 1165/3.
24. Kries Tilim 1:44
Reading of Psalms. Performed by David Vardi (Rozenfeld), an actor of “Habima” Jewish theater. Petrograd, June 24, 1923. Cylinder # 1167.
25. Vekhol maaminim 0:45
A refrain to piyyut “All believe”, an acrostic (alphabetical) poem from the Musaf (additional prayer) for the High Holidays. Performed by Moyshe Mindlin, 54, a cantor. Vitebsk, Byelorussia, the date of recording is unknown [1910-1920’s]. Cylinder # 1174/2.
26. Hashkiveynu 1:38
Lay us down to sleep in peace. A prayer of the evening service. Performed by Moyshe Mindlin, 54. Vitebsk, Byelorussia, the date of recording is unknown [1910-1920’s]. Cylinder # 1178.
27. Vehakohanim 1:42
And the priests. Passage from the prayer “Amits koakh” (“Vigorously strong one” from the Musaf, additional prayer service for Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement, reputedly authored by Rabbi Meshullam ben Calonimus of Lucca, (Italy, c.950 – 1020, Mainz, Germany). Performed by Berl Dovid Kiselgof, bal-tfile (person who leads in prayer). The place and date of the recording are unknown [1910-1920’s]. Cylinder # 1181.
28. Vehakohanim 1:30
And the priests. Continuation of the recording # 27. Cylinder #1182.
29. Tehomos hadom 1:10
The depths of the footstool [for His droplets]. A portion from Tal, the prayer for dew on the 1st day of Passover. Performed by Berl Dovid Kiselgof, bal-tfile. The place and date of the recording are unknown [1910-1920’s]. Cylinder # 1185.
30. Kadish 0:45
Sanctification [Glorified and sanctified be God’s great name throughout the world which He has created according to His will]. One of the main Jewish prayers, which goal is proclamation of the Greatness of God. Performed by anonymous performer (male voice). The place and date of the recording are unknown [1910-1920’s]. Cylinder # 1197/1.
31. Religious song (unidentified) 0:54
Performed by anonymous performer (male voice). The place and date of the recording are unknown [1910-1920’s]. Cylinder # 1197/2.