The Historic Collection of Jewish Music 1912-1947. Volume 4-5 (2013)

The Historic Collection of Jewish Music 1912-1947. Volume 4-5. Hasidic and klezmer Music from the An-ski collections (1912-1914) (2013)
Год: 1912-1914 / 2013
Страна: Украина
Жанр: клезмер, еврейская фольклорная, религиозная хасидская музыка
Время альбома:
Описание: Сегодня — продолжение серии раритетных фонографических записей еврейской музыки 1912-1947 гг. И перед вами — 4-5 альбомы из цикла The Historic Collection of Jewish Music 1912-1947. Volume 4-5. Hasidic and klezmer Music from the An-ski collections (1912-1914) (2013). Всего в серии их имеется шесть, у нас в наличии — все они, кроме третьего.
Данные материалы предоставлены одним из постоянных читателей и авторов сайта (выражающим за эти диски особенную благодарность профессору Вячеславу Дмитриевичу Попову). Конечно же, огромная благодарность — Институту проблем регистрации информации при НАУ Украины, чей кропотливый труд сделал возможным существование данных материалов.
Уже опубликованные на сайте записи:
- Treasure of Jewish Culture in Ukraine (1997)
- The Historic Collection of Jewish Music 1912-1947. Volume 1 (2001)
- The Historic Collection of Jewish Music 1912-1947. Volume 2 (2004)
В 1912 – 1914 гг. Еврейская этнографическая экспедиция имени барона Горация Гинзбурга ЕИЭО под руководством Семена Ан-ского обследовала множество местечек «черты оседлости» Российской империи. В три сезона полевых работ члены экспедиции работали в Волынской, Подольской и Киевской губерниях, где собрали колоссальный как по объему, так и по историческому и культурному значению материал по истории, этнографии и фольклористике евреев Восточной Европы. Памятники материальной культуры легли в основу задуманного и осуществленного С. Ан-ским Еврейского музея при Еврейском историко-этнографическом обществе, фотографии, выполненные в экспедиции талантливым фотографом, позднее – одним из ведущих книжных графиков и художников Соломоном Юдовиным вошли в золотой фонд фотоискусства, легенды и сказания, записанные участниками экспедиции, стали основой множества литературных произведений.
Но едва ли не главным достижение Экспедиции стала коллекция еврейского музыкального фольклора, записанная на фонограф в полевых условиях и впоследствии расшифрованная музыковедами и фольклористами. За время работы экспедиции были записаны непосредственно от исконных носителей более 500 фоноцилиндров и текстовые расшифровки к ним.
В записях принимали участие композитор и музыковед Юлий Энгель (1912) и знаток еврейской музыки, собиратель и исследователь Зиновий Кисельгоф (1913). Во второй половине сезона 1913 и в сезон 1914 гг. фонографированием занимался непосредственно С. Ан-ский, а расшифровывали записи сотрудники Общества еврейской народной музыки.
С первых дней работы Экспедиции огромное внимание уделялось именно записям так называемой «хасидской» музыки и религиозной народной песни. Собственно эта задача была поставлена перед участниками работы Совещанием по организации экспедиции (март 1912 г.), определившими приоритетность направлений исследований и маршруты работы Экспедиции. Киевская губ., Волынь и Подолия, являвшие не только местами наиболее компактного проживания евреев на территории Восточной Европы, но и местами, наиболее почитаемыми последователями хасидизма, стали основными центрами, в которых были записаны уникальные образцы песен, молитв, нигунов (песен без слов).
Одновременно с «хасидской» музыкой участники Экспедиции уделили большое внимание записыванию музыки клезмеров (еврейские музыкальные ансамбли, большей частью участники традиционной свадебной церемонии).
За три экспедиционных сезона была собрана беспрецедентная по количеству записей коллекция, являющаяся и до сих пор важнейшим материалом для исследований и источником вдохновения для композиторов и исполнителей еврейской музыки.
Ниже — ссылка на материал на сайте Национальной Академии Наук Украины, с возможность прослушать 15 секунд каждого из треков. А также, в связи с отсутствием данных материалов для приобретения их в сети — ссылка на скачивание архива.
При этом, мы предупреждаем сразу, что если будет получено сообщение от правообладателей, с требованием изъять возможность скачивания материала — ссылка будет снята незамедлительно. В случае, если Вы — представитель правообладателя и не желаете, чтобы этот материал был в свободном доступе на ресурсе, свяжитесь с администрацией сайта, и мы снимем возможность скачивания данного материала.
Отдельный бонус ниже — почти два десятка архивных, раритетных черно-белых фотографий начала прошлого века, изображающих синагоги, еврейские дома и улицы в разных местечках.
Volume 4
1. A min volekh (vi es git iber der zinger) 2:07
A kind of volekh (in singer’s interpretation). Performed by Khaim Kagan, 40 [or 42], shopkeeper, the Radzyn Hasid. Recorded in Kremenets, Volyn province, on July 11, 1913, by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 267.
2. A nign 0:36
A tune. Performed by Shloyme Kulish, 24, shopkeeper. The performer heard this tune from Avrom Yitskhok Barditshever. Recorded in Ludmir, Volyn province, on July 17, 1913, by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 268/1.
3. A nign 0:49
Performed by Shloyme Kulish, 24, shopkeeper. The performer heard this tune from Avrom Yitskhok Barditshever. Recorded in Ludmir, Volyn province, on July 17, 1913, by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 268/2.
4. Gramen bay kale-bazetsns (“Oy, kale-lebn, kale-lebn”) 1:55
Badkhn’s[1] rhymes and clarinet interlude for the wedding ceremony “Seating of the bride”. Performed by Mani Hamerberg. Recorded in Medzhybozh, Podolia province, in 1913. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 270/2.
5. Gramen bay kale-bazetsns (“Oy, kale-lebn, kale-lebn”) 1:55
Badkhn’s[1] rhymes and clarinet interlude for the wedding ceremony “Seating of the bride”. Performed by Mani Hamerberg. Recorded in Medzhybozh, Podolia province, in 1913. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 270/2.
6. A tish–nign 0:21
A table tune. Performed by Yitskhok Berman, 52, baal-tfile[2]. Recorded in Olyka, Volyn province, in 1913 by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 291/1.
7. A tish–nign 1:27
A table tune. Performed by Yitskhok Berman, 52, baal-tfile. Recorded in Olyka, Volyn province, in 1913 by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 291/2.
8. A redl 1:19
Round dance. Performed by Yekhil Lerner, 47, baal-tfile. Recorded in Kremenets, Volyn province, in 1913 by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 293/1.
9. A redl 0:33
Round dance. Performed by Yekhil Lerner, 47, baal-tfile. Recorded in Kremenets, Volyn province, in 1913 by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 293/2.
10. A freylekhs 1:57
Freylekhs. Performed by Pinkhas Paz, 51, the Trisker Hasid. Recorded in Kovel, Volyn province, in 1913 by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 308.
11. A khsidisher nign 2:02
A Hasidic tune. Performed by Simkha Kobrenik, 54, cantor of the Great Synagogue in Zaslav. Recorded in Zaslav, Volyn province, in 1913 by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 314.
12. A freylekhs 0:49
Freylekhs. Performed by male voices (choir). Recorded in Kremenets, Volyn province. in 1913 by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 315/1.
13. A freylekhs (Sabeynu) 0:48
Freylekhs (“Our grandfather”). Performed by male voices (choir). Recorded in Kremenets, Volyn province, in 1913 by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 315/2.
14. A nign fun Stoliner khsidim (“Yikhav tshumak”) 0:32
A tune of the Stolin Hasidim adopted from the Ukrainian song “Yikhav tshumak” (“Tchoomak[3] was riding”). Performed by Leybtsi Melamed, cantor. Recorded in Derazhnia, Volyn province, [1913-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 327/2.
15. A freylekhs 0:53
Freylekhs. Performed by Pinkhas Paz, 51, and Motl Shvarts, the Trisker Hasidim. Recorded in Kovel, Volyn province, in 1913 by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 332/1.
16. A freylekhs 1:11
Freylekhs. Performed by Pinkhas Paz, 51, and Motl Shvarts, the Trisker Hasidim. Recorded in Kovel, Volyn province, in 1913 by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 332/2.
17. An Oster nign 1:25
A tune from Ostrog. Performed by Arn-Shmuel Kagan. Recorded in Proskurov, Podolia province, in 1913 by [Avrom Rekhtman]. Cylinder # 339.
18. Dem Reb Shneur Zalmans nign 0:50
A tune of Rabbi Shneur Zalman. Performed by Moyshe Belotserkovsky. Recorded in Berdichev, Kiev province, [1912-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 340/1.
19. A khsidisher nign 1:09
A Hasidic tune. Performed by Moyshe Belotserkovsky. Recorded in Berdichev, Kiev province, [1912-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 340/2.
20. A nign 0:43
A tune (tradition of the Trisker Hasidim). Performed by anonymous singer. Recorded in Rovno, Volyn province, [1912-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 343/1.
21. A freylekhs 0:42
Freylekhs. Tune attributed to the Rabbi of Kanev. Performed by anonymous singer. Recorded in Rovno, Volyn province, [1912-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 343/2.
22. Shabes-nign 1:39
A Sabbath tune. Performed by Khaim Kagan, 40 [or 42], shopkeeper, the Radzyn Hasid. Recorded in Kremenets, Volyn province, in 1913 by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 344.
23. Khsidisher nign 1:33
Hasidic tune. Performed by Moyshe Belotserkovsky. Recorded in Berdichev, Kiev province, [1912-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 349.
24. A khsidisher nign
1:18 A Hasidic tune (tradition of the Bratslav Hasidim). Performed by Khaim Yisroel Veytsman, the Bratslav Hasid. Recorded in Berdichev, Kiev province, [1912-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 367/1.
25. A khsidisher nign 0:20
A Hasidic tune (tradition of the Bratslav Hasidim). Performed by Khaim Yisroel Veytsman, the Bratslav Hasid. Recorded in Berdichev, Kiev province, [1912-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 367/2.
26. A khsidisher nign 1:44
A Hasidic tune (tradition of the Bratslav Hasidim). Performed by Khaim Yisroel Veytsman, the Bratslav Hasid. Recorded in Berdichev, Kiev province, [1912-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 368/1.
27. A khsidisher nign 0:40
A Hasidic tune (tradition of the Bratslav Hasidim). Performed by Khaim Yisroel Veytsman, the Bratslav Hasid. Recorded in Berdichev, Kiev province, [1912-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 368/2.
28. A nign 1:29
A tune (tradition of the Bratslav Hasidim). Performed by the Bratslav Hasidim accompanied by violin. Recorded in Berdichev, Kiev province, [1912-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 369/1.
29. A nign 0:33
A tune (tradition of the Bratslav Hasidim). Performed by the Bratslav Hasidim accompanied by violin. Recorded in Berdichev, Kiev province, [1912-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 369/2.
30. A tish-nign funem Ruzhiner rebn 1:27
A table tune of the Rabbi of Ruzhin. Performed by Arn Perelman. Recorded in St. Petersburg, [1912-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 370.
31. Bay di Bratslaver khsidim 1:26
At the Bratslav Hasidim. Performed by anonymous singer (male voice). Recorded in Berdichev, Kiev province, [1912-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 372.
32. A khsidisher freylekher nign 1:24
A Hasidic joyful tune. Performed by Moyshe Belotserkovsky. Recorded in Berdichev, Kiev province, [1912-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 374.
33. A khsidisher nign 1:15
A Hasidic tune. Performed by Moyshe Belotserkovsky. Recorded in Berdichev, Kiev province, [1912-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 378.
34. A tish-nign 2:05
A table tune. Performed by Khaim Yisroel Veytsman, the Bratslav Hasid. Recorded in Berdichev, Kiev province, [1912-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 379.
35. A khsidisher nign 1:09
A Hasidic tune. Performed by Moyshe Belotserkovsky. Recorded in Berdichev, Kiev province, in [1912-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 382/1.
36. A khsidisher nign 1:19
A Hasidic tune. Performed by M. Dudner. Recorded in Korets, Volyn province, [1912-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 384/1.
37. A khsidisher nign 0:53
A Hasidic tune. Performed by M. Dudner. Recorded in Korets, Volyn province, [1912-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 384/2.
38. A khsidisher nign 2:01
A Hasidic tune. Performed by Khaim Yisroel Veytsman, the Bratslav Hasid. Recorded in Berdichev, Kiev province, [1912-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 389.
39. A khsidisher tish-nign 2:09
A Hasidic table tune. Performed by Moyshe Belotserkovsky. Recorded in Berdichev, Kiev province, [1912-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 400.
Volume 5
1. A freylekhs (mit hebreishe verter) 0:32
A freylekhs (with Hebrew words). Performed by anonymous singer (male voice). Information about the date, place of the recording and collector is not available, [1912-1914]. Cylinder # 404/2.
2. Freylekhs 1:30
Freylekhs. Performed by Margulis, manufacturer. Recorded in Rovno, Volyn province, [1912-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 408.
3. A nign 0:33
A tune. Performed by Yosef Boker. Recorded in Proskurov, Podolia province, in 1913 by [Avrom Rekhtman]. Cylinder # 445/1.
4. A freylekhs 1:02
Freylekhs. Performed by anonymous singer (male voice.) Information about the date, place of the recording and collector is not available, [1912-1914]. Cylinder # 447/1.
5. A freylekhs 0:58
Freylekhs. Performed by anonymous singer (male voice). Information about the date, place of the recording and collector is not available, [1912-1914]. Cylinder # 447/2.
6. “Mipney ma” [a khsidisher nign] 1:16
“For what reason?” (A Hasidic tune). Passover tune. Performed by anonymous singer (male voice). Information about the date, place of the recording and collector is not available, [1912-1914]. Cylinder # 450. 2
7. Zmires nign 0:57
Sabbath tune. Performed by anonymous singer (male voice). Information about the date, place of the recording and collector is not available, [1912-1914]. Cylinder # 451.
8. A freylekhs (fun Yosl Talner) 1:11
A freylekhs (by Yosl Talner). Performed by Motl Shvarts and Pinkhas Paz, 51, the Trisker Hasidim. Recorded in Kovel, Volyn province, in 1913 by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 452/1.
9. A freylekhs (fun Yosl Talner) 0:46
A freylekhs (by Yosl Talner). Performed by Motl Shvarts and Pinkhas Paz, 51, the Trisker Hasidim. Recorded in Kovel, Volyn province, in 1913 by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 452/2.
10. Gezang on verter 1:43
Singing without words. Performed by anonymous singer (male voice). Information about the date, place of the recording and collector is not available, [1912-1914]. Cylinder # 461.
11. A tish-nign 1:54
A table tune. Performed by Arn-Shmuel Margulis, 38, shopkeeper. Recorded in Muravitsa, Volyn province, on June, 1913, by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 463.
12. A khsidisher nign 1:06
A Hasidic tune. Performed by anonymous singer (male voice). Recorded in Dubno, Volyn province, on June, 1913, by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cyl. # 477/1.
13. Kale bazetsns 1:49
Improvisation on violin to the ceremony “Seating of the bride.” Performed by Osher Melamed, 46, klezmer-violinist. Recorded in Kovel, Volyn province, in 1913 by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 479.
14. Zmires (ershter teyl) 1:42
Sabbath song (1st part). Violin improvisation. Performed by Meyer Hopinke, 35, violinist. The performer adopted this tune from his grandfather, violinist Hopinke. Recorded in Dubrovna, Mogilev province, in 1914 by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 482.
15. Zmires (tsveyter teyl) 2:01
Sabbath song (2nd part). Violin improvisation. Performed by Meyer Hopinke, 35, violinist. The performer adopted this tune from his grandfather, violinist Hopinke. Recorded in Dubrovna, Mogilev province, in 1914 by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 483.
16. Tsu badekns (bazetsns) 2:19
Violin improvisation for the ceremony “seating and weiling of the bride.” Performed by Meyer Hopinke, 35, violinist. Recorded in Dubrovna, Mogillev province, in 1914 by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 484
17. A tish-nign 2:02
A table tune. Performed by Motl Shvarts and Pinkhes Paz, 51, the Trisker Hasidim. Recorded in Kovel, Volyn province, in 1913 by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 496.
18. A tish-nign 0:58
A table tune. Performed by Motl Shvarts and Pinkhes Paz, 51, the Trisker Hasidim. The tune was traditionally performed in the prayer-house of the Trisker Hasidim. Recorded in Kovel, Volyn province, in 1913 by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 497/1.
19. A tish-nign 1:01
A table tune. Performed by Motl Shvarts and Pinkhes Paz, 51, the Trisker Hasidim. The tune was traditionally performed in the prayer-house of the Trisker Hasidim. Recorded in Kovel, Volyn province, in 1913 by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 497/2.
20. Zmires nign “Ha-shoymer Shabes” 1:13
Sabbath tune “The One, Who Observes Sabbath.” Performed by anonymous singer (male voice). Information about the date, place of the recording and collector is not available, [1912-1914]. Cylinder # 498.
21. Freylekhs 1:03
Freylekhs. Performed by anonymous singer (male voice). [Recorded in Leningrad, in 1928 by Sophia Magid] . Cylinder # 508/1.
22. Freylekhs 0:39
Freylekhs. Performed by anonymous singer (male voice). [Recorded in Leningrad, in 1928 by Sophia Magid]. Cylinder # 508/2.
23. A nign 0:17
A tune. Performed by Avrom Markov. Information about the date, place of the recording and collector is not available, [1912-1914]. Cylinder # 509/5.
24. A skarbover khsidisher nign 0:42
A traditional Hasidic tune. Performed by Reb Avrom, the Trisker magid . Recorded in Turiysk, Volyn province, [1912-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 514/2.
25. A tish-nign 0:45
A table tune. Performed by Yitskhok Berman, 52, cantor, baal-tfile. Recorded in Olyka, Volyn province, on June 31, 1913, by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 522/1.
26. Freylekhs 1:09
Freylekhs. Performed by Yitskhok Berman, 52, cantor, baal-tfile. Recorded in Olyka, Volyn province, on June 31, 1913, by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 522/2.
27. A nign 1:26
A tune. Performed by anonymous singer (male voice). Information about the date, place of the recording and collector is not available, [1912-1914]. Cylinder # 526.
28. A khsidisher nign 1:17
A Hasidic tune. Performed by anonymous singer (male voice). Recorded in Medzhybozh, Podolia province, [1913-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 535/1.
29. Freylekhs 0:48
Freylekhs. Performed by anonymous singer (male voice). Recorded in Medzhybozh, Podolia province, [1913-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 535/2.
30. A tish-nign 1:52
A table tune. Performed by Yisroel Friman, 42, baal-tfile. The performer adopted this melody from Yosl Talner. Recorded in Dubno, Volyn province, on July 3, 1913, by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 538.
31. A nign 1:00
A tune. Performed by Yitskhok Azepov, 18, son of the rabbi of Dubno. The performer adopted this tune from his brother, rabbi. Recorded in Dubno, Volyn province, on July 5, 1913, by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cyl.# 539/1.
32. Dem Shatever rovs nign 1:10
A tune of the rabbi of Shatava. Performed by Simkha Kobrenik, 54, a cantor of the Great Synagogue in Zaslav. Recorded in Zaslav, Volyn province, in 1913 by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 543.
33. A khsidisher nign 1:28
A Hasidic tune. Performed by Avrom Shames. Recorded in Shepetovka, Volyn province, [1912-1914], by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 561/2.
34. Tish-nign 2:17
Table-tune. Performed by Khaim Yisroel Veytsman, the Bratslav Hasid. Recorded in Berdichev, Kiev province, [1912-1914]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 577.
35. Freylekhs (mershtimikh) 1:59
Freylekhs (polyphony). Performed by choir ( Manusevich with his brother, sister and friends). Manusevich adopted this tune in Ostrog from the Volyn Hasidim. Recorded in Kremenets, Volyn province, in 1913 by Zinoviy Kiselgof. Cylinder # 589.
36. [Nign] 5:22
[A tune]. Performed by Moyshe Epelbaum, accompanied by violin. Recorded in Leningrad, in [1920s?]. Information about the collector is not available. Cylinder # 613.