The Historic Collection of Jewish Music 1912-1947. Volume 6 (2013)

The Historic Collection of Jewish Music 1912-1947. Volume 6. The First Folklore Expeditions of Moisei Beregovskii 1929-1930 (Kiev, Odessa, Belaia Tserkov, Slavuta) (2013)
Год: 1929-1930 / 2013
Страна: Украина
Жанр: клезмер, еврейская фольклорная музыка
Время альбома:
Описание: Сегодня — продолжение серии раритетных фонографических записей еврейской музыки 1912-1947 гг. И перед вами — шестой альбом из цикла The Historic Collection of Jewish Music 1912-1947. Volume 6. The First Folklore Expeditions of Moisei Beregovskii 1929-1930 (Kiev, Odessa, Belaia Tserkov, Slavuta) (2013). Всего в серии их имеется шесть, у нас в наличии — все они, кроме третьего.
Данные материалы предоставлены одним из постоянных читателей и авторов сайта (выражающим за эти диски особенную благодарность профессору Вячеславу Дмитриевичу Попову). Конечно же, огромная благодарность — Институту проблем регистрации информации при НАУ Украины, чей кропотливый труд сделал возможным существование данных материалов.
Уже опубликованные на сайте записи:
- Treasure of Jewish Culture in Ukraine (1997)
- The Historic Collection of Jewish Music 1912-1947. Volume 1 (2001)
- The Historic Collection of Jewish Music 1912-1947. Volume 2 (2004)
- The Historic Collection of Jewish Music 1912-1947. Volume 4-5 (2013)
Второй период собирательной работы в области еврейского музыкального фольклора связан с работой выдающегося исследователя Моисея Яковлевича.Береговского в Институте ( Кабинете) еврейской культуры в Киеве (1929 — 1949).
В конце 20-х начале 30-х годов Киев был центром еврейской культуры в Советском союзе, местом, где продолжились традиции еврейских фольклористов и этнографов первого периода (1911 – 1918 гг.), чья работа была прервана Первой мировой войной и революциями. Усилиями выдающегося ученого фольклориста М.Береговского при Кабинете был создан собственный фоноархив, экспедиционная работа обрела планомерность и должную исследовательскую глубину, а фиксация и расшифровка материалов достигли высочайшего уровня научного анализа. Объектами исследований М.Береговского и его коллег стали как крупные центры, так и небольшие города, и местечки на Волыни, Подолии, в Галиции, старинные еврейские сельскохозяйственные колонии юга Украины (Днепропетровская, Запорожская, Николаевская области, Крым).
Первые экспедиции М. Береговского состоялись в 1929 году в Белую Церковь (сейчас — Киевская обл.), Славуту (сейчас — Хмельницкая обл.), также работали в Киеве. Материалы, собранные первой экспедицией включают 125 фоноцилиндров на которых записано более 260 песен, нигуним, инструментальных пьес Сохранились нотные и текстовые расшифровки собранного материала, сделанные М. Береговским и его помощниками.
В материалах экспедиций преобладают записи бытовых народных песен. Более полно в записях, выполненных в Белой Церкви, представлены жанры любовной и семейной лирики в меньшей степени – песни ремесленников и революционные рабочие песни. На фоноцилиндрах записаны также фольклорные образцы, которые традиционно бытовали среди «унтервелт» — уличных попрошаек, сумасшедших, воров. Большинство исполнителей этого песенного жанра – молодежь, часто почти дети, а также люди преклонного возраста – обитатели «Грузии» — исторического района Белой Церкви, где традиционно селилась еврейская беднота и «унтервелт».
Среди материалов экспедиции в Славуту, которая состоялась в августе 1929 года — хасидские напевы, поражающие разнообразием ритмов и неповторимостью мелодического развертывания. Значительный интерес представляют также редкие образцы клейзмерской музыки, которые иллюстрируют фрагменты традиционной еврейской свадьбы.
Киевские записи 1929 года хранят записанные на фонографе уникальные образцы голосов выдающихся еврейских акперов, известных литераторов, а также инструментальные пьесы в исполнении. Особенность фонозаписей, выполненных в Киеве состоит в том, что социальный статус столичных певцов – любителей отличался от певцов–провинциалов, среди исполнителей преобладали представители творческой и научной интеллигенции, студенты вузов и техники.
Этот компакт-диск является первой публикацией записей из коллекции Моисея Береговского, где представлены записи и расшифровки, сделанные фольклористом лично.
Ниже — ссылка на материал на сайте Национальной Академии Наук Украины, с возможность прослушать 15 секунд каждого из треков. А также, в связи с отсутствием данных материалов для приобретения их в сети — ссылка на скачивание архива.
При этом, мы предупреждаем сразу, что если будет получено сообщение от правообладателей, с требованием изъять возможность скачивания материала — ссылка будет снята незамедлительно. В случае, если Вы — представитель правообладателя и не желаете, чтобы этот материал был в свободном доступе на ресурсе, свяжитесь с администрацией сайта, и мы снимем возможность скачивания данного материала.
1. Vos dreystu zikh arum, [mayn tekhterl, azoy umetik] 3:00
Why are you going around, [my little daughter, looking so sad]. Performed by Khayke Gitelman, 20, teacher, student of the Kiev Pedagogical College. The performer adopted this song in Berdichev where she resided. Recorded in Kiev on March 20, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 1.
2. Tsu dayn mame hob ikh gornit, [oy vey gornit, oy vey gornit] 1:20
I have nothing against your mother, [oy vey, nothing, oy vey, nothing]. Performed by Khayke Gitelman, 20, teacher, student of the Kiev Pedagogical College. The performer adopted this song in Berdichev where she resided. Recorded in Kiev on March 20, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 2/1.
3. A nedove bet ikh, [oy, an oreman, a blinder] 3:05
I’m begging for alms [oy, poor man, a blind]. Performed by Eli Veysman, 82, a blind beggar, who started singing on the streets when he was 20. He lived in Kiev since 1915 where he often sang this song. Recorded in Kiev on March 25, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 3.
4. In a fremder medine [bin ikh farvorfn gevorn] 1:54
In a foreign land [I was abandoned]. Performed by Eli Veysman, 82, a blind beggar, who began singing on the streets when he was 20. He lived in Kiev since 1915. Recorded in Kiev on March 25, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 4/1.
5. Farsholtn hot gezolt vern [di beyze sho] 1:47
Damned shall have been [the evil hour]. Performed by Eli Veysman, 82, a blind beggar, who began singing on the streets when he was 20. He lived in Kiev since 1915. Recorded in Kiev on March 25, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 4/2.
6. Khtsos 1:48
Midnight. [Israel am kdoyshim, Israel am kdoyshim, shteyt uf, shteyt uf]. [Israel, holy people, Israel, holy people, wake up, wake up]. Call of synagogue’s sexton to midnight prayer in the days of Rosh Hashanah. Performed by Eli Spivak, 39, lecturer of the Odessa College of People’s Education. Recorded in Kiev on March 29, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 8/1.
7. A nign 0:48
A tune without words. Performed by Eli Spivak, 39, lecturer of the Odessa College of People’s Education. Recorded in Kiev on March 29, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 8/2.
8. Di lid fun di tiranen 1:31
A song about tyrants. [Di trit fun di tiranen hobn zikh gelozt hern]. [The steps of the tyrants were heard]. Performed by Borukh Zilbershteyn, 14, student. He learned the song in the folklore study group of school no.36 in Kiev. Recorded in Kiev (Stalinka neighborhood) on April 24, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 24/1.
9. A nign 1:08
A tune without words. Performed by Yekhezkl Dobrushin, writer. Recorded in Kiev on May 9, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 26/1.
10. A lid fun der kishefmakhern 2:43
A song of the sorceress from the play “Sorceress” by Abraham Goldfaden. Performed by Benjamin Zuskin, actor of Moscow Jewish Theater. Recorded in Kiev on May 18, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 30.
11. Khtsos (loyt Pedotsern) 2:53
Midnight prayer (based on Pedotser’s music composition). Violin improvisation on the khtsos tune. Performed by Lev Pulver, composer and violinist. Recorded in Kiev on May 18, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 35.
12. Vos veyst ir, mentshn, [vos es hot zikh farlofn] 0:53
Do you know, people, [what has happened]. Performed by Grisha London, 17, shoemaker, semi-literate. Recorded in Belaia Tserkov, Kiev region, on June 3, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 50/1.
13. Zog mir, Nunele, dem rikhtikn emes, [tsi zol ikh dray yor oyf dir vartn] 0:41
Tell me, Nunele, all the true, [if I should wait for you for three years]. Performed by Tsilia Goldberg, 19, workwoman. Recorded in Belaia Tserkov, Kiev region, on June 3, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 50/2.
14. Kh’hob gelibt a meydele fun akhtsn yor, [un libn lib ikh zi shoyn tsvey-dray yor] 0:58
I fell in love with a girl of 18 years old, [and I’ve already been in love with her for two-three years]. Performed by Pesia Flaks, 14, Rokhl Frager, 18, Tsilia Goldberg, 19, workwoman. Recorded in Belaia Tserkov, Kiev region, on June 3, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 50/3.
15. A nign 0:44
A tune without words. Performed by Meir Wiener, literary critic, 40 years old[1]. The performer adopted this song from his older uncle in Krakow. Recorded in Kiev on June 6, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 55/1.
16. Ashrey ha-ish asher lo halakh 1:25
Happy is a man who doesn’t follow [the advice of the wicked]. Song based on the canonic text of Psalm no.1. Performed by Leyb Vinogradov, 24, student of the Kiev Communist Party School, political refugee. The performer heard this song in Faleshtty, Bessarabia, where he previously resided. Recorded in Kiev on June 21, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 60/3. Track_16
17. Yismakh Mosheh 1:21
Mosheh rejoiced. Portion of Amidah prayer of the Sabbath morning synagogue service. Performed by Leyb Vinogradov, 24, student of the Kiev Communist Party School, political refugee. Recorded in Kiev on June 21, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 61/1.
18. Du forst avek, mayn tayer lebn, [vu vel ikh dikh forn zukhn] 1:51
You’re going away, my dear love, [where shall I go to look for you]. Performed by Pesia Flaks, 15. Recorded in Gruziia neighborhood of Belaia Tserkov, Kiev region, on July 1, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 66/1.
19. In 1915 yor 1:44
In 1915, [Oy vey, in toyzn nayn hundert fuftsetn yor, s’iz aroys, oy, a nayer prikaz, oy, prikaz]. [Oy vey, in 1915, oy, a new decree was issued, oy, a decree]. Performed by Grisha London, 17, shoemaker, semi-literate. Recorded in Gruziia neighborhood of Belaia Tserkov, Kiev region, on July 1, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 66/2.
20. Ikh’ho geakert un ho gezeyt, [kedey mayn tvue zol nit brenen] 1:15
I plowed and sowed [so my grain shouldn’t get burnt]. Performed by Pesia Flaks, 15. Recorded in Gruziia neighborhood of Belaia Tserkov, Kiev region, on July 3, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 76/1.
21. Bruderke, du bist dokh fun undzer ort, [muz dokh visn vos tut zikh dort]. 1:02
Brother, you are from our parts, [you should know what’s happening there]. Performed by Mutsi Kagan, 28, teacher. Recorded in Belaia Tserkov, Kiev region, on July 7, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 82/2.
22. Herstu, mame, herstu, tate, [vos di bobe hot geton] 0:26
Listen, mother, listen, father, [what the grandma did]. Performed by Mutsi Kagan, 28, teacher. Recorded in Belaia Tserkov, Kiev region, on July 7, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 82/3.
23. Oy, hoykhe moyern, ver tut zey stroyen? [Ver tut zey stroyen? Der arbetsman]. Oy, tall walls, who builds them? [Who builds them? A working man]. 1:15
Performed by Veli Kornfeld, 26, seamstress. Recorded in Belaia Tserkov, Kiev region, on July 5, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 95.
24. Dobranitsh (Pedotser) 2:39
Dobranitsh (from Pedotser’s repertoire). Performed by Itsik Triplik, 59, flutist and barber. Recorded in Slavuta, Kamenets Podolskii region, on August 16, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 111/1.
25. Unnamed melody 1:27
that was used as a source of popular Yiddish theater song “Kupite, koyft-zhe, koyft-zhe papirosen” (Buy, oh, buy cigarettes”) created by Yiddish actor, composer and playwright Herman Yablokoff for his play “Papirosen”. The play was first performed in New York in 1935. Performed by Itsik Triplik, 59, flutist and barber. Recorded in Slavuta, Kamenets Podolskii region, on August 16, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 111/2.
26. Got fun Avrom un fun Yitskhok 0:44
God of Abraham and Isaac. Performed by anonymous singer, administrator from Stavitshi, who heard this song from his father. Recorded in Belaia Tserkov, Kiev region, on June 3, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 155/1.
27. A nign 0:34
A tune without words. Performed by choir of the Belaia Tserkov drama studio “Royte blikn” [“Red sights”]. Recorded in Belaia Tserkov, Kiev region, on June 3, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 155/4.
28. Grin groz, gele bleter 0:12
[Green grass, yellow leaves]. Performed by choir of the Belaia Tserkov drama studio “Royte blikn” [“Red sights”]. Recorded in Belaia Tserkov on June 3, 1929, by Moisei Beregovskii. Beregovskii notes that he heard the same song from Zinovii Skuditskii, teacher and graduate from the Kiev Pedagogical College, in Kiev in 1923. Cylinder # 155/5.
29. Oy, kholem hot zikh mir gekholemt, [oy, a shlekhter kholem hot zikh mir oysgedakht]. 3:22
Oy, I’ve seen a dream, [oy, a bad dream]. Performed by Dina Leshner, 23, workwoman of the Odessa bristle factory. Recorded in Odessa in June 1930 by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 164.
30. Hob ikh mir a pidzhekele fun nayem gevant, [tra-la-la-la-la, tra-la-la].1:15
I have a little jacket made from new cloth, [tra-la-la-la-la, tra-la-la]. Performed by Yosl Entin, 20, shoemaker, student of the Odessa College of People’s Education. Recorded in Odessa in June 1930 by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 169/1.
31. Dos ershte veln mir nemen nokh regirn, [di ekspluataters, vos zey zoygn undzer blut]. 1:14
First of all, we will be through with the government, [the exploiters that suck our blood]. Performed by Rokhl Pesina, 45, seamstress, working for garment factory. She learned the song while working in Odessa, Bendery and Uman. Recorded in Odessa in June 1930 by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 174/1.
32. Der ershter tog fun der mobilizatsie, [z’geven a yomer un a geveyn]. 0:36
On the first day of military draft, [there were weeping and wailing]. Performed by Gershon Shukher, 22, unskilled worker. Recorded in Odessa in June 1930 by M. Beregovskii. Cyl.# 188/2.
33. S’iz fintster un glitshik shpet banakht, [ven me zet shoyn nit keyn mentshn arumgeyn]. 1:03
There was dark and slippery in the late evening, [when no one was seen walking outside]. Performed by Doba Finkelshteyn, 17, student of factory school. She learned the song from Shifra Basina, 30, housewife. Recorded in Odessa in June 1930 by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 189/3.
34. Ikh gey mir arum gantse teg, [fartroyert un fartrakht] 2:03
I’m walking around all days, [sad and languishing]. Performed by Eva Feldman, 34, housewife, former seamstress; her husband is a factory worker. Recorded in Odessa in June 1930 by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 203/1.
35. Oy vey, mame, vi azoy kon men lebn, [aza beyzer shviger koved optsugebn]. 0:48
Oy vey, mama, how can one live, [pay respect to an angry mother-in-law]. Performed by Sonia Tavrovskaia, 21, student of the Odessa College of People’s Education. She adopted the song in the Jewish agricultural colony Efingar. Recorded in Odessa on May 28, 1930, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 210/1.
36. Veyn nit, mame, nit veyn, [ikh vel dikh nit fargesn] 1:03
Don’t cry, mama, don’t cry, [I won’t forget you]. Performed by Doba Levina, 23, teacher, student of the Odessa College of People’s Education. Recorded in Odessa on May 28, 1930, by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 210/3.
37. Eyne tsvey verter hob ikh mit im geredt, [azoy hot er zikh ayngelibt in mir]. 2:19
I said few words to him, [so he fell in love with me]. Performed by Tani Leshchinskaia, 18; her father is a barber. Recorded in Odessa in June 1930 by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 228/1.
38. Geyt, brider, geyt aykh fodern broyt [ba keysarim un ba knyazn un ba grafn]. 2:15
Go, brothers, go to demand bread [from tsars, princes and counts]. Performed by Zelda Shpiner, 48, seamstress. She resided in Odessa from 1915. The performer heard the song in Dvinsk in 1908. Recorded in Odessa in June 1930 by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 229.
39. Piatnitsa, vsiakii speshit na rabotu, [Moldavanka uzhasno shumit] 1:54
On Friday, everybody hurries to work, [Moldavanka is terribly noisy]. Song in Russian language from the “untervelt” repertoire. Performed by Koltun, prisoner in the Odessa jail. Recorded in Odessa in June 1930 by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 238/2.
40. Dobriden (khasene-nign) 1:18
Dobriden (wedding-tune). Performed by Gurovich, actor. The performer adopted the tune from his father in Bobruisk. Recorded in May or June 1930 in Odessa by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 245/1.
41. In hober, in korn, in hober, in korn [hot Rivotshke dem fartekh farloyrn]. 2:04
In oats, in rye, in oats, in rye, [Rivotshke lost her apron]. Performed by Khesi Hershberg, 25, actress of the Odessa Jewish State Theater. The performer adopted the song in Kremenchug from young female workers. Recorded in May or June 1930 in Odessa by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 249/1.
42. Oy vey, mame, katshkes shvimen 0:28
Oy vey, mama, ducks are swimming (fragment; recording is incomplete). Performed by Khesi Hershberg, 25, actress of the Odessa Jewish State Theater. The performer adopted the song in Kremenchug from young female workers. Recorded in May or June 1930 in Odessa by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 249/2.
43. Ahavah rabah (nit farendikt) 3:43
Klezmer composition “Ahavah rabah” (”Abundant love”) for listening during wedding ceremony (from repertoire of Pedotser). Recording is unfinished. Performed by Solomon Berman, 50, klezmer, violinist. The performer previously resided in Radomyshl and settled in Kiev in 1922. Recorded in Kiev in June 1930 by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 687.
44. Der lomp is farloshn (sof) 0:35
The lamp went out (fragment; beginning is missing). Performed by Avrom Ladyzhenskii, 20, prisoner in the Odessa jail. Recorded in Odessa in June 1930 by Moisei Beregovskii. Cylinder # 691/1.
45. Mayn Yidishe mame 2:11
Bonus recording from the unregistered wax cylinder. My Jewish mother by Jack Yellen (lyrics and music) and Lew Pollack (music). Performed by anonymous singer accompanied by piano. Information about the place, date of the recording and collector is not available.